Sunday, June 8, 2014



                    EAGLE PASS HIGH SCHOOL BAND

                                                                   Spring Tour to California

                                                                           June 9-14, 2014


                                                     TMF Host:

Monday June 9, 2014

7:00 am                Buses will arrive at Eagle Pass High School

                                2020 Second Street

                                Eagle Pass, TX 78852

                                (830) 773-2381

8:00 am                Depart Eagle Pass High School for California      

Tuesday June 10, 2014

8:00 am                Arrive at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre to tour Hollywood

                                6925 Hollywood Blvd.

                                Hollywood, CA 90028

                                (323) 461-3331

10:30 am              Board bus & depart for Santa Monica Beach

11:15 am              Arrive at Santa Monica Beach

                                Lunch on your own

                3:15 pm                Regroup & board bus for departure

                3:30 pm                Depart for check in at hotel

                5:00 pm                Arrive at Embassy Suites Anaheim – north for check-in

                                3100 E. Frontera St.

                                Anaheim, CA 92806

                                (714) 632-1221

5:15 pm                Get ready for base ball game

6:15 pm                Board bus & depart for Angel Stadium

6:30 pm                Arrive at Angel Stadium at Anaheim for baseball game: Angels vs Athletics

                                                2000 E. Gene Autry Way

                                                Anaheim, CA 92806


7:05 pm                Game begins

9:00 pm                Game ends (Time may vary depending on game inning status)

9:15 pm                Regroup for departure

9:30 pm                Depart for hotel

10:00 pm              Arrive at hotel for Pizza dinner

11:00 pm              Lights out!


Wednesday June 11, 2014

7:00 am                Hot breakfast at the hotel

                7:30 am                Board bus & depart for Disneyland Resort

                8:00 am                Arrive at one of the Disneyland Resort parks for use of park hopper

                                                1313 Disneyland Dr,

Anaheim, CA 92802

(714) 781-4565

Disneyland Park: 8:00 am – 12:00 am

Disneyland California Adventure Park: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm

                8:00 am                Time to have fun at the park!

                                                1 Meal Voucher provided to use at park

                *9:00 pm             Fantasmic (Disneyland Park)

*9:25 pm             Magical – Disney’s Nighttime Fireworks Spectacular (Disneyland Park)

                *9:45 pm             World of Color (California Adventure Park)

                *10:30 pm           Fantasmic (Disneyland Park)

                12:00 am              Regroup for departure

                12:15 am              Board bus & depart to check-in at hotel

                12:30 am              Arrive at hotel & lights out!

                                Dinner at hotel

*Featured events


Thursday June 12, 2014

7:00 am                Hot breakfast at the hotel

8:15 am                Check-out of hotel & board bus

8:30 am                Depart for Disneyland Resort

9:00 am                Arrive at one of the Disneyland Resort parks for use of park hopper

                                                1313 Disneyland Dr,

Anaheim, CA 92802

(714) 781-4565

Disneyland Park: 9:00 am – 12:00 am

Disneyland California Adventure Park: 9:00 am – 10:00 pm

9:00 am                Time to have fun at the park!

                                                1 Meal Voucher provided to use at park

                12:30pm                       Performance on this day

                12:00 am              Regroup for departure

                12:15 am              Board bus & depart to check-in at hotel

                12:30 am              Arrive at hotel & lights out!

                                                Dinner at hotel



************************Featured park events on this day****************************

9:00 pm                Fantasmic (Disneyland Park)

9:25 pm                Magical – Disney’s Nighttime Fireworks Spectacular (Disneyland Park)

                9:45 pm                World of Color (California Adventure Park)





Friday June 13, 2014

7:00 am                Hot breakfast at the hotel

8:30 am                Board bus & depart for Universal Studios Hollywood

9:00 am                Arrive at Universal Studios Hollywood

                                                100 Universal City Plaza

Universal City, CA 91608

(800) 864-8377

Park Hours: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

                9:15 am                Time to have fun at the park!

                                                1 Meal Voucher provided to use at park

                7:00 pm                Regroup for departure

                7:15 pm                Depart for dinner at Hard Rock Cafe (walking distance)

                                                Arrive at Hard Rock Café for dinner

                                                1000 Universal Studios Blvd.

                                                Universal City, CA 91608

                                                (818) 622-762

7:30 pm                Dinner begins

8:45 pm                Dinner ends

9:00 pm                Board bus & depart back to Las Vegas, NV

                12:30 pm              Arrive for check – in at hotel & Pizza dinner



Saturday June 14, 2014

8:00 am                Breakfast at the hotel

9:00 am                Load bus & depart for Hoover Dam

9:45 am                Arrive at Hoover Dam

                                Entry fee on your own($12-$15)

12:00 pm              Depart Hoover Dam for Las Vegas

1:00 pm                Arrive on Las Vegas strip for tour, shopping, meals…etc.

                                Lunch & dinner on your own

5:00 pm                Regroup for departure to Criss Angel Believe show

6:00 pm                Arrive at Luxor Hotel & Casino for Criss Angel Believe show

                                3900 S. Las Vegas Blvd

                                Las Vegas, NV 89119

                                (702) 262-4000

7:00 pm                Criss Angel Believe begins                         

                8:30 pm                Criss Angel Believe ends

                8:45 pm                Depart for Monte Carlo Resort & Casino (Walking distance)

9:00 pm                Arrive at Monte Carlo Resort & Casino for Blue Man Group

                                3700 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

                                Las Vegas, NV 89109

                                (888) 529-4828

9:30 pm                Blue Man Group begins

11:00 pm              Show ends

11:15 pm              Board bus & depart for Eagle Pass High School

                                                Stops at director’s convenience & discretion


Sunday June 15, 2014

7:00 pm                Arrive at Eagle Pass High School


Monday, June 2, 2014

May 29,2014 Raffle Winners!

TV  Emmanuel Monctezuma

2 Tickets to Fiesta Texas     T. Hernandez

$50.00 Gift Card  Miriam Villarreal

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas raffle winners!

1st prize - Esperanza Salinas
2nd prize - Noemi Prieto
3rd prize - Anthony Rodriguez

Thank you for supporting the Mighty Eagle Band

Friday, December 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sample Itinerary for 2014 California Trip

Sample Itinerary for 2014 California Trip (subject to change)

Sunday, June 8, 2014
Depart from Eagle Pass
Meals on own en route
Monday, June 9, 2014
Check in at the Embassy Suites
Breakfast at Hotel
Tour of Hollywood
Beach Time
Lunch on own
Depart for baseball game
Pizza night with drinks
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Hot breakfast at the hotel
Depart for Disney (visit one of Disney's theme parks)
Use meal voucher for lunch
Possible Disney Performance on this day
Depart for dinner TBD
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Hot breakfast at the hotel
Depart for Universal Hollywood Studios
Use meal voucher for lunch
Blue Man Group
Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Hot breakfast at hotel
Depart for Disney (visit one of Disney's theme parks)
Use meal voucher for lunch
Depart to hotel
Pizza night with drinks
Friday, June 13 2014
Hot breakfast at hotel
Depart for home

Eagle Pass High School Band 2014 Trip Contract

Eagle Pass High School Band Trip Contract

Where: Walt Disney

When: Saturday, June 7- June 14 (subject to change)

1.       Students planning to attend the band trip will need to bring their deposit of $125.00 by Tuesday, October 29,2013. Checks are to be made payable to “Mighty Eagle Band Boosters”.

2.      Money order or cash payments are preferred, however we will take checks.  In the event of a returned check, payment must still be made for this trip.  If payment is not received by the deadline, the student forfeits the right to travel, AND all monies are still due.  This policy is in place because the band will have to pay travel expenses to the travel agent because the student initial deposit payment has been made.     Further, even if your child decides not go on the trip, Boosters is still responsible in making the full payment for the students ticket.

3.      The deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE, because we will purchase tickets to the parks, as well as buses and hotel rooms based on the number of students turning in the initial deposit.  Once we give the travel agent this information, Boosters will be required to pay for these expenses, even if the student does not travel.

4.      The Band will be traveling overnight, and students will be expected to adhere to curfews, as well as meet at designated spots in theme parks at certain times.  Because of the nature of this trip, students who do not demonstrate the ability to follow instructions and rules may be asked to not travel with the band (even if they have paid).  These decisions will be made at the discretion of the Head Director.

5.      The payment schedule is as follows :

a.         Payment #1 (deposit) of $125.00 is due Tuesday, October 29, 2013.

b.         Payment #2 of $150.00 is due Tuesday, November 19, 2013

c.         Payment #3 of $125.00 is due Tuesday, December 17, 2013

d.         Payment #4 of $125.00 is due Tuesday, January 14, 2013

e.         Payment #5 of $150.00 is due Tuesday, February 11, 2013

g.         Payment #6 of $150.00 is due Tuesday, March 18, 2013

f.          Final payment of $125.00 is due Tuesday, April 15, 2013.

6.      We ask that you sign and return the attached sheet with your child’s deposit.

If you have questions or concerns about the trip please contact the band Director or any band booster officer.

Band Director: David Solis (830-773-2381)

 Band Booster Officers:

President: Juanita Maldonado  830-325-2800                   V-President-Concessions: Ma Luisa Garza  830-776-6015

Secretary: Natalie Elizondo  830-275-2334                           V-President Fundraising: Lourdes Perez 830-776-6523 

Treasurer: Patricia Platte  830-776-0370                   V-President- Trip: Sonia Cruz  830-968-1698                                                               
                                    Asst. Treasurer: Carolina Villarreal  830-352-0421

2013 Florida Band Trip